Thursday, 7 June 2007

Break it Down

We're planning many methods of publicising our new product that won't break the bank. What are some of the options?

- Mobile advertising. Still in its infancy and possible to get a good deal to reach users either globally or in specific countries or by specific phone / model / manufacturer / publisher type. Lots of companies popping up all over the place. Some examples: Admob, Admoda, DeckTrade, Google Mobile, ...
- Internet advertising. We get thousands of visitors to our website, and thousands of downloads of our bluetooth software per day...
- Existing users. They deserve to be at the top of the list, they like our Bluetooth product and we generate revenues from this. We have a huge email list and an active forum as a platform.
- Blogging and other bloggers. Time to get the referral services fired up: Technorati WTF ('Where's the Fire?'), Reddit, Digg (too damned difficult to get seen now!), StumbleUpon, Ping-o-Matic, ...
- Partnerships and alliances. Of multiple types. Content swapping, API 1-/2-way swapping, cross-promotion, joint development, client cross-referral, ...
- Events. The most expensive way of marketing but highly targeted at specific audiences. Best done in conjunction with partnerships to get a good deal.
- Viral spread. Give users a way to invite friends and even strangers to join them in using the service.

This list is not exhaustive of course but the devil is always in the detail. You have to understand the potential reach versus cost of each approach broken down by various factors such as geography, phone model, age, usage etc.

I can feel a very large spreadsheet coming on...

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